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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Vampire : The Masquerade - Bloodlines

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Game Name : Vampire : The Masquerade - Bloodlines
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-05-24 09:17:27
Views : 29170

Tutorial Ammo Secret
In the Tutorial when Jack gives you the thirty-eight revolver you can gain max ammunition for it by simply talking to him over and over. Once should give you the weapon, with some ammo. The next time should unequip it, but you are still getting ammo for it. Do it again and you will re-equip it, you can repeat this as much as you want until you have max ammo for the weapon. This is especially useful if you happen to use up all your ammo shooting at the bottles at the end of the hall.

Cheat Codes
Start the game with the "-console 1" command line parameter. Press [~] (tilde) while playing and type any of the following codes.
Note: Commands will auto-complete while you type them. Type any letter and you can scroll up and down with the cursor keys to see the various available console commands.

Code - Result:

impulse 101 - All Weapons & Ammo + Clothing
vchar_edit_histories 1 - Allows you to give your character a history during character creation, which provides bonuses and penalties to different stats.
vstats get animalism 5 - ANIMALISM discipline is Max Out
vstats get auspex 5 - AUSPEX discipline is Max Out
vstats get celerity 5 - CELERITY discipline is Max Out
vstats get charisma 5 - CHARISMA skill is Max Out
vstats get dementation 5 - DEMENTATION discipline is Max Out
vstats get dexterity 5 - DEXTERITY skill is Max Out
vstats get dominate 5 - DOMINATE discipline is Max Out
god or godmode - enable godmode
vstats get fortitude 5 - FORTITUDE discipline is Max Out
giftxp # - give # number of xp points
give item_a_xxxx - give armor of type xxxx
Blood 500 - Give Extra or Infinite Blood to withstand greater attacks
give item_w_xxxx - give weapon of type xxxx
give item_g_bloodpack - Gives character a BLOODPACK
give item_g_bluebloodpack - Gives character a BLUEBLOODPACK
give item_g_eldervitaepack - Gives character a ELDERVITAEPACK
noclip 0/1 - Go through walls.
vstats get intelligence 5 - INTELLIGENCE skill is Max Out
notarget 0/1 - Invisible to enemys.
cmdlist - List of cheats.
vstats get obfuscate 5 - OBFUSCATE discipline is Max Out
vstats get potence 5 - POTENCE discipline is Max Out
vstats get presence 5 - PRESENCE discipline is Max Out
vstats get protean 5 - PROTEAN discipline is Max Out
blood # - replace # with the number of points you wish your blood pool to be at. For example 'blood 4' sets your blood pool to 4 points.
vstats get thaumatury 5 - THAUMATURY discipline is Max Out
vstats get wits 5 - WITS skill is Max Out

Infinite XP points
When you start a new game go straight to the character creation screen and select your clan. Go to the character sheet then put your points where you want to put them. Go back to the clan selection screen and select THE SAME CLAN (selecting another will reset the points). You will now have the character points again besides the ones you allready have placed. Be careful not to fill your points up in one go because if you have remaining points, you cannot proceed with the game.

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Vampire : The Masquerade - Bloodlines Cheat Codes at Game Score
Vampire : The Masquerade - Bloodlines Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad
Vampire : The Masquerade - Bloodlines Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Vampire : The Masquerade - Bloodlines Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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